1.The Crystal World/結晶世界(1966) |
/ J.G. バラード
With a gasp of surprise they
all craned
forward, staring at the line
of jungle facing
the white-framed buildings of
the town. The
long arc of trees hanging over
the water
seemed to drip and glitter with
myriads of
prisms, the trunks and and branches
by bars of yellow and carmine
light that
bled away across the surface
of the water,
as if the whole scene were being
by some over-active Technicolor
The entire length of the opposite
shore glittered
with this blurred kaleidoscope,
the overlapping
bands of colour increasing the
density of
the vegetation, so that it was
to see more than a few feet between
the front
line of trunks.
The sky was clear and motionless,
the sunlight
shining uninterruptedly upon
this magnetic
shore, but now and then a stir
of wind crossed
the water and the scene erupted
into cascades
of colour that rippled away into
the air
around them. Then the coruscation
and the images of the individual
trees reappeared,
each sheathed in its armour of
light, foliage
glowing as if loaded with deliquescing
2.The Disaster Area(短篇集)(1967) |

・「The Concentration City」
space"を求めて長距離列車に乗り、旅する若者Mの話。「どこかに広い空間があるはずだ。都市が存在する前に何があったのか? 何故都市の外に出られないのか?」という問いの答えを求めて。
・「The Subliminal Man」
・「Now Wakes the Sea」
・「Manhole 69」
この短篇集の中で、最もバラード的な特徴の発揮された作品。 有史以来、人類が束縛されていた眠りという"無駄な"機能を手術によって除去することにより、人類の新たな進化のステップとしようというニール博士の実験に参加した3人の被験者達は、体育館に集められ、その行動を監視されていた。2週間が経過し、彼らと密接な関わりをもったニール博士が疲労から休みをとった夜、被験者達は、体育館がだんだんと縮まって来るという幻覚に襲われる。
The gymnasium was shrinking. Inch by inch, the walls were moving inwards, encroaching across the periphery of the floor. As they shrank towards each other their features altered: the rows of skylights below the ceiling blurred and faded, the power cable running along the base of the wall merged into the skirting board, the square baffles of the air vents vanished into the grey distemper.
Above, like the undersurface of an enormous lift, the ceiling sank towards
the floor ...
The gimnasium closed in. Now less than half its original size, its walls
bare and windowless, it was a vast, shrinking box. The sides slid into
each other, merging along an abstract hairline, like planes severing in
a multi-dimensional flux. Only the clock and a single door remained ...
The motion was accelerating. What had once been the gymnasium was now a small room, seven feet wide, a tight, almost perfect cube. The walls plunged inwards, along colliding diagonals, only a few feet from their final focus ...
This, then, was the manhole: a narrow, vertical cubicle, a few feet wide,
six deep. Above, a solitary, dusty bulb gleamed down from a steel grille.
As if crumbling under the impetus of their own momentum, the surface of
the walls had coarsened, the texture was that of stone, streaked and pitted
'Neill ... Neil,' he whispered. The sounds, thin and strangled, seemed to be coming from the bottom of a well. 'Neill ... Neill ... Neill ... '
Neill stroked his forehead with a small, neat hand.
'Yes, Bobby,' he said gently. His voice was feather-soft, caressing. 'I'm
here, Bobby. You can come out now.'
(紹介予定)Crash/クラッシュ(1973) |
■参考Webサイト・主要作品リスト |
○ 関連出版リスト : amazon. com.(洋書、和書)
○ 参考資料
・J. G. バラード(Wikipedia)
・J. G. Ballard(Wikipedia 英語)
・人生の奇跡 J・G・バラード自伝/J.G. バラード

・J・G・バラードの千年王国ユーザーズガイド/J.G. バラード

○ 主要作品リスト 短篇集は、相当部分が互いに重複しています。
- The World from Nowhere/ 狂風世界(1962)
- The Voice of Time/ 時の声(1962) 短篇集
- Bilenium/ 時間都市(1962) 短篇集
- The Drowned World/ 沈んだ世界(1962)
- The Four Dimensional Nightmare(1963) 短篇集
- Pasport to Eternity/ 永遠へのパスポート(1963) 短篇集
- Terminal Beach/ 時間の墓標(1964) 短篇集
- The Burning World/ 燃える世界(1964)
- Drought(1965):The Burning Worldの改訂版
- The Crystal World/ 結晶世界(1966)
- The Impossible Man/ 溺れた巨人(1966) 短篇集
- The Day of Forever(1967) 短篇集
- The Disaster Area(1967) 短篇集
- The Overloaded Man(1967) 短篇集
- The Atrocity Exhibition/ 残虐行為展覧会(1970)
- Vermilion Sands/ ヴァーミリオン・サンズ(1971) 短篇集
- Chronopolis(1971)短篇集
- Crash/ クラッシュ(1973)
- Concrete Island/ コンクリートの島(1973)
- High-Rise/ ハイーライズ(1975)
- Low-Flying Aircraft and Other Stories/ 死亡した宇宙飛行士(1976) 短篇集
- The Best of J.G. Ballard/ ザ・ベスト・オブ・J.G. バラードT(1977) 短篇集
- The Unlimited Dream Company/ 夢幻会社(1979)
- The Venus Hunters(1980) 短篇集
- Hello America/ 22世紀のコロンブス(1981)
- Myths of the Near Future(1982) 短篇集
- Empire of the Sun/ 太陽の帝国(1984)
- The Voices of Time (1985) 短篇集
- The Day of Creation/ 奇跡の大河(1987)
- Memories of the Space Age (1988) 短篇集
- Runnning Wild/ 殺す(1988)
- War Fever/ ウォー・フィーバー(1990) 短篇集
- The Kindness of Women/ 女たちのやさしさ(1991)
- Rushing to Paradice/ 楽園への疾走(1994)
- Cocaine Nights/ コカイン・ナイト(1996) 短篇集
- Memories of the Space Age 短篇集
- Super-Cannes/ スーパー・カンヌ(2000)
- The Complete Short Stories of J. G. Ballard (2001) 短篇集
- Millennium People/ 千年紀の民(2003)
- Kingdom Come (2006)
- The Complete Short Stories of J. G. Ballard: Volume 1 (2006) 短篇集
- The Complete Short Stories of J. G. Ballard: Volume 2 (2006) 短篇集
- The Complete Stories of J. G. Ballard (2009) 短篇集
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