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Saint-Exupery(1900 - 1944)
1.Night Flight/夜間飛行(1932) |
ファビアンは嵐の中で頭上に星空を見つけ、機を上昇させる。雲海の上に見出したのは、きらめく星空と静寂だった。 死に直面した極限状態に置かれたファビアンが遭遇した自然の神秘を、詩的な文章で描写している場面です。
Little by little he spiraled up, out of the dark pit which closed again
beneath him. As he rose the clouds began to shed their slime of shadow,
flowing past him in cleaner, whiter billows. Fabian rose clear.
And now a wonder seized him; dazzled by that brightness, he had to keep
his eyes closed for some seconds. He had never dreamt the night clouds
could dazzle thus. But the full moon and all the constellations were changing
them to waves of light.
In a flash, the very instant he had risen clear, the pilot found a pease that passed his understanding. Not a ripple tilted the plane but, like a ship that has crossed the bar, it moved across a tranquil anchorage. In an unknown and secret corner of the sky it floated, as in a harbor of the Happy Isles. Below him still the storm was fashioning another world, thridded with squalls and cloudbursts and lightnings, but turning to the stars a face of crystal snow.
Now all grew luminous, his hands, his clothes, the wings, and Fabien thought
that he was in a limbo of strange magic; for the light did not come down
from the stars but welled up from below, from all tha snowy whiteness.
The clouds beneath threw up the flakes the moon was pouring on them; on
every hand they loomed like towers of snow. A milky stream of light flowed
everywhere, laving the plane and crew. When Fabien turned he saw the wireless
operator smile.
2.Flight to Arras/戦う操縦士(1942) |
Looking down on those swarming highways I understood more clearly than ever what peace meant. In time of peace the world is self-contained. The villagers come home at dusk from their fields. The grain is stored up in the barns. The folded linen is piled up in the cupboards. In time of peace each thing is in its place, easily found. Each friend is where he belongs, easily reached. All men know where they will sleep when night comes. Ah, but peace dies when the framework is ripped apart. When there is no longer a place that is yours in the world. When you know no longer where your friend is to be found. Peace is present when man can see the face that is composed of things that have meaning and are in their place. Peace is present when things form part of a whole greater than their sum, as the divers minerals in the ground collect to become the tree.
But this is war.
3.The Little Prince/星の王子さま(1943) |
(英訳) 難易度:☆☆
Now there were some terrible seeds on the little prince's planet - namely
those of the baobab tree. The soil of the planet was infested with them.
And a baobab, if you tackle it too late, can never be got rid of afterwards.
It clutters everything. It will bore right through a planet with its roots.
And if the planet is too small, and if the baobabs are too numerous, they
will finally make the planet exprode.
'It's a question of discipline,' the little prince informed me later on.
'When you finish washing and dressing each morning, you must carefully
wash and dress your planet. You must force yourself to pull up the baobabs
regularly, as soon as they can be distinguished from the rose trees - which
they resemble so closely in early youth. It is very tedious work, but it
is very easy.'
王子さまは言います。「だれかが、なん百万もの星のどれかに咲いている、たった一輪の花がすきだったら、その人は、そのたくさんの星をながめるだけで、しあわせになれるんだ。そして、<ぼくのすきな花が、どこかにある>と思っているんだ。」 (内藤濯 訳)
'If someone loves a flower, of which there is only one example among all the millions and millions of stars, that is enough to make him happy when he looks up at the night sky. He says to himself: "Somewhere out there is my flower."
'Goodbye,' said the fox. 'Now here is my secret, very simply: you can only
see things clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the
'What is essential is invisible to the eye,' repeated the little prince,
so as to remember.
'It is the time you have wasted on your rose that makes your rose important.'
'It is the time I have wasted on my rose ... ' repeated the little prince,
so as to remember.
'People have forgotten this truth,' said the fox. 'But you must not forget.
You become responsible, for ever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible
for your rose.'
'I am responsible for my rose ...' the little prince repeated, so as to remember.
(映画)SAINT−EX/星の王子さまを探して(1995 英) |
(監督)Anand Tucker (主演)Bruno Ganz
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