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J.D.Salinger( 1919−2010 )
J.D サリンジャー
1.The Catcher in the Rye/ライ麦畑でつかまえて (1951) |
"The catcher in the rye"になりたいと話す場面です。
I said. 'You know what I'd like to be? I
mean if I had my goddam choice?'
Stop swearing.'
'You know that song "If
a body catch
a body comin' through the rye"?
!It's "If a body meet a
body coming
through the rye"!' old Phoebe
'It's a poem. By Robert Burns.'
'I know it's a poem by Robert
Burns.' She
was right, though. It is 'If
a body meet
a body coming through the rye'.
I didn't
know it then, though. 'I thought
it was
"If a body catch a body",'
'Anyway, I keep picturing all
these little
kids playing some game in this
big field
of rye and all. Thousands of
little kids,
and nobody's around - nobody
big, I mean
- except me. And I'm standing
on the edge
of some crazy cliff. What I have
to do, I
have to catch everybody if they
start to
go over the cliff - I mean if
they're running
and they don't look where they're
going I
have to come out from somewhere
and catch
them. That's all I'd do all day.
I'd just
be the catcher in the rye and
all. I know
it's crazy, but that's the only
thing I'd
really like to be. I know it's
2.Franny and Zooey/フラニーとゾーイー(1961)
"All I know is I'm losing my mind,"
Franny said. "I'm just sick
of ego,
ego, ego. My own and everybody
else's. I'm
sick of everybody that wants
to get somewhere,
do something distinguished and
all, be somebody
interesting. It's disgusting
- it is, it
is. I don't care what anybody
後篇では家に戻っても鬱々としているフラニーに、ゾーイーが2番目の兄のバディを装って電話をかけ「太ったおばさん」のたとえ話を聞かせる場面がハイライトとなっています。 不在者(シーモア)の言葉が、介在者(ゾーイー)の中で熟成し、彼を通して語られたときにある種の救済をもたらすという構造はゴーリキーの「どん底」に通ずるものがあるように思えます。
3.Nine Stories/九つの物語(1953) |
Perfect Day for Bananafish」は、サリンジャーの作品の中核をなすグラス家サーガにおける出発点であり、かつ頂点でもあるという意味で特に重要な位置をしめる作品です。バナナフィッシュというのは、シーモアの空想の世界での魚で、海岸で少女シビルにそれがどんな魚か説明しています。
"Their habits are very peculiar."
He kept pushing the float. "They
a very tragic life," he
said. "You
know what they do, Sybil?"
She shook
her head. "Well, they swim
into a hole
where there's a lot of bananas
They're very
ordinary-looking fish when they
swim in.
But once they get in, they behave
like pigs.
Why, I've known some bananafish
to swim into
a banana hole and eat as many
as seventy-eight
bananas." He edged the float
and its
passenger a foot closer to the
horizon. "Naturally,
after that they're so fat they
can't get
out of the hole again. Can't
fit through
the door."
float : シーモアがシビルをのせて浮かせているゴム製の浮きボード。
Esme-with Love and Squalor」と、「De Daumier-Smith's
Blue Period」が好きです。
4.Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour:An Introduction (1963)/大工よ屋根の梁を高く上げよ
― シーモア・序章(1963) |