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Woody Allen(1935-  )


性格が弱くて屈折した弟。 誰がいいかな? ウディー・アレン、まさか。それじゃ喜劇になってしまう。

'I've a very pessimistic view of life. I feel that life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable.'
「Annie Hall」/ ウディ・アレン

1.Annie Hall/アニー・ホール(1977)
 Four Films of W.Allen(ペーパーバック 難易度:☆☆)に収録。その他「Manhattan」、「Interiors」、「Stardust Memories」の3作品

 アルヴィは、アニ―とテニス・クラブで知り合う。アニ―は、歌手志望でクラブのオーディションを受けたりしていた。やがて二人は一緒に暮らすようになるが、次第にうまくいかなくなり別れてしまう。いったんは、元に戻りかけるが結局は駄目だった、というよくあるプロットだけど、二人のキャラクターの魅力と会話の面白さ、ニューヨークの知的人種の生態などであきさせない。amazon com.では、"A nervous romance" と紹介されていたけど、的を得たうまい言い方だと思います。せわしない会話や、彼の映画でおなじみの精神分析医とのやりとりのシーンが現代人の神経症的生活を象徴しているようです。


They move outside to the terrace, Alvy still holding the glasses, Annie the wine. They stand in front of the railing, Annie pouring the wine into the held-out glasses.
Annie : Well, didin't you take, uh.... uh, a shower at the club?
Alvy : Me? No,no,no,'cause I ne- I never shower in a public place.
Annie : (Laughing) Why not?
Alvy : 'Cause I don't like to get naked in front of another man, you know - it's, uh....
Annie : (Laughing) Oh, I see, I see.
Alvy : You know, I don't like to show my body to a man of my gender-
Annie : Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I see. Iguess-
Alvy : -'cause, uh, you never know what's gonna happen.
Annie(Sipping her wine and laughing) Fifteen years, huh?
Alvy : Fifteen years, yeah.
Annie Yeah. Oh, God bless!
They put their glasses together in a toast.


『Woody Allen on Woody Allen』より;インタビューの中で、この作品が彼にとってのターニング・ポイントであったと言っています。

"I really feel it was a major turning point for me. I had the courage to abandon ... just clowning around and the safety of complete broad comedy. I said to myself, ' I think I will try and make some deeper film and not be as funny in the same way. And maybe there will be other values that will emerge, that will be interesting or nourishing for the audience.' And it worked out very well.

" Yes, that was her way. She came in, and the costume lady on the picture said, 'Tell her not to wear that. She can't wear that. It's so crazy.' And I said, 'Leave her. She's genius. Let's just leave her alone, let her wear that she wants. If I really have something, I'll tell her. Otherwise she can choose for herself.'

映画 Manhattan 

「アニー・ホール」と同質のほろ苦い恋愛映画です。 ニューヨークを舞台に、ジョージ・ガーシュインの音楽がバックのモノクロ作品で、これでウディ・アレンが主人公でなければ、洗練された恋愛映画となるんだろうけど。

Ike : (Sighing) You see, I don't ― I-I-I don't think we should keep seeing each other.
Tracy : Why not?
Ike : Because I think you're getting too hung up on me, you know? Hung up on me. I'm starting to sound like you when I talk.
Tracy : I'm not hung on you. I'm in love with you.
Ike : You can't be in love with me. We've been over this. You're a kid. You don't know what love means. I don't know what it means. Nobody out there knows what the hell's going on.
Tracy : We have laughs together. I care about you. Your concerns are my concerns. We have great sex.
Ike : (Sighing) You-you're ― but you're seventeen years old. By the time you're twenty-one, you're gonna have ― you'll have a dozen relationships, mm, believe me, far more passionate than this one.
Tracy : Well, don't you love me?
Ike : (Sighing) I ... (Sighing again) ... Well, the truth is that I love somebody else.


『Woody Allen on Woody Allen』より;最後にアイザックが、彼の人生を生きるに値させるものを挙げているが、アレンにとってもそれは共通であると言っている。'ジュピター交響曲の第2楽章' とかフローベルとか'セザンヌのりんご'などを挙げているのが、彼らしいですね。"Swedish movies" と言っているのは、アレンが傾倒しているベルイマンのこと。

Bjorkman(Interviewer) : At the end of Manhattan Isaac speaks into a tape-recorder where he talks about all the things that make life worth living and you provide him with a lot of examples : 'Well, first Groucho Marx ... the second movement of the Jupiter Symphony. Louis Armstrong. "Potato Blues". Swedish movies, naturally. L'Education sentimentale by Flaubert. Frank Sinatra. Marlon Brando. The fantastic apples of Cezanne. The crab at Sun Wo's. 'Are these choices you could or would give yourself as well?
Allen : I could make a much longer list of course, but they would be on my list. Sure.

3.The Purple Rose of Cairo/カイロの紫のバラ(1985
「Three  Films of W.Allen」 (ペーパーバック 難易度:☆☆)に収録。その他「Zelig」、「Broadway Danny Rose」、「The purple Rose of Cairo」の3作品
映画 「カイロの紫のバラ」

Tom : Who are you?
Cecilia : C-C-Cecilia.
Tom : (Taking Cecilia's hand and pulling her up from her seat) Let's get out of here and go somewhere where we can talk.
Cecilia : But .... you're in the movie!
Tom : Wrong, Cecilia, I'm free! After two thousand performances of the same monotonous routine, I'm free!
( Cecilia and Tom emerge into the daylight from the theater's rear door.)
Cecilia : (Breathlessly, reacting, her hand on her hat) I don't understand. What's going on? Who are you?
Tom : ( In an excited voice, pulling Cecilia along) Who am I? You've seen the movie five times. I'm Tom Baxter, poet, adventurer, explorer, of the Chicago Baxters.
Tom : I need a place to hide! Look, I'm never going back, now that I've met you.
Cecilia : (Looking around) A place to hide? A place to hide?
(Cecilia takes the lead, Tom close behind, as they dash out of sight.)


4.Hannah and Her Sisters/ハンナとその姉妹(1986)
Hannah and Her Sisters」(ペーパーバック 難易度:☆☆)
映画 「ハンナとその姉妹」

 ミッキーは精密検査の結果、脳腫瘍の疑いが晴れ、有頂天になるが、「でも、いつかは死ななくてはならないんだ。」という当たり前の事実に改めて気づき、哲学的な苦悩に陥ってしまう。ミッキーは彼のオフィスで、同僚であるゲイル(女性)に、仕事を辞めると言い出します :

Gail : What do you mean you're quitting? Why? The news is good! You don't have canc- the thing.
Mickey : Do you realize what a thread we're all hanging by?
Gail : Mickey, you're off the hook. You should be celebrating.
Mickey : Can you understand how meaningless everything is? Everything! I'm talking about nnnn― our lives, the show .... the whole world, it's meaningless.
Gail : Yeah ... but you're not dying!
Mickey : No, I'm not dying now, but, but you know, when I ran out of the hospital, I, I was so thrilled because they told me I was going to be all right. And I'm running down the street, and suddenly I stop, 'cause it hit me, all right, so, you know, I'm not going to go today. I'm okay. I'm not going to go tomorrow. But eventually, I'm going to be in that position.
Gail : You're just realizing this now?
Mickey : Well, I don't realize it now, I know it all the time, but, but I managed to stick it in the back of my mind ... because it-it's a very horrible thing to .... think about!


『Woody Allen on Woody Allen』より;タイトル名は別としても、チェーホフ劇の雰囲気が感じとれるという意見に、アレンはチェーホフは大好き、と答えています。また、ドストエフスキーやプルーストなどを好まない人は知っているけど、今までチェーホフが嫌いな人には会った事がないと言っている。

Bjorkman(Interviewer) : Hannah is a very urban story, but it has a Chekhovian feeling about it ... Not only because there are three sisters in it.
Allen : I certainly love Chekhov. No question about that. He's one of my favourites, of course. I'm crazy about Chekhov. I never knew anybody that wasn't! People may not like Tolstoy. There are some people I know that don't like Dostoyevsky, don't like Proust or Kafka or Joyce or T. S. Eliot. But I've never met anybody that didn't adore Chekhov.

(参考)Woody Allen on Woody Allen/ウディ・オン・アレン(1993) in conversation with Stig Bjorkman

'I started to listen to jazz in my teens. When I grew up, popular music was Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw and Tommy Dorsey, swing music. But then, in my teens, when I was fourteen, fifiteen I heard Sidney Bechet. On record. And I was very, very taken with it. And this gradually introduced me to more jazz recordings. I bought myself a soprano saxophone and tried to learn it. And I did learn it. But I knew that I could never be really very good. But I enjoyed playing very much, and then I sort of switched a little bit to the clarinet, which is a logical progression.'

Bjorkman : After Alvy's and Annie's first night together there is a scene in a book-store where Alvy confesses that he has a rather pessimistic view on life: 'Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. Those two categories.' Do you share Alvy's view on life?
W. Allen : Oh, yes. That's a reflection of my own feelings. Be happy that you're just miserable.

'She's a good actress. She can play many different roles. she has a very good range. She can play serious roles, she can play comic roles. She's also very photogenic, very beautiful on the screen. She's just a good realistic actress, as opposed to someone like Diane Keaton who is a great comedian, who has a single personality, a very strong single personality. She's always the same, but always great. Like Katharine Hepburn. Mia is different all the time. She's got a wide range for different parts. And no matter how strange and daring it is, she does it well.'

Radio Days(1987)「Radio Days」について、アレンの少年時代の実体験に基づいているのかと言う質問に対して;
'Some things are very close and some things are not. But a lot of it is based on an exaggerated view of my childhood. I mean, I did live in a family with many people present in the house: grand-parents and aunts and uncles. Yes, many of the things you see in the film did happen. My relationship to the school teachers was like that. My relationship to radio was like that. And we used to go out to the beach and look for German aircraft and German boats. And I did have an aunt who was forever getting into the wrong relationship and unable to get married. And we did have those neighbours who were communists. Much of all that was true.'

○ 関連出版リスト(Amazon) : 洋書和書DVD
○ 参考資料
Woody Allen(Wikipedia 英語)
・ウディ・アレンの映画術/エリック ラックス
ウディ・アレンのすべて/井上 一馬
・ウディ・アレン バイオグラフィー/ジョン・バクスター
ウディ・アレンの時代 (シネアルバム) /武市 好古(編集)

○ 主要監督作品
  • Take the Money and Run/ 泥棒野郎(1969)
  • Bananas/ バナナ(1971)
  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex
     / 誰でも知りたがっているくせにちょっと聞きにくいSEXのすべてについて教えましょう(1972)
  • Sleeper/ スリーパー(1973)
  • Love and Death/ 愛と死(1975)
  • Annie Hall/ アニー・ホール(1977)
  • Interiors/ インテリア(1978)
  • Manhattan/ マンハッタン(1979)
  • Stardust Memories/ スターダスト・メモリー(1980)
  • A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy/ サマー・ナイト(1982)
  • Zelig/ カメレオンマン(1983)
  • Broadway Danny Rose/ ブロードウェイのダニー・ローズ(1984)
  • The Purple Rose of Cairo/カイロの紫のバラ(1985)
  • Hannah and Her Sisters/ ハンナとその姉妹(1986)
  • Radio Days/ ラジオ・デイズ(1987)
  • September/ セプテンバー(1987)
  • Another Woman/私の中のもうひとりの私(1988)
  • Oedipus Wrecks/エディプス・コンプレックス(1989)
  • Crimes and Misdemeanours/ウディ・アレンの重罪と軽罪(1989)
  • Alice/ アリス(1990)
  • Shadows and Fog/ウディ・アレンの影と霧(1992)
  • Husband and Wives/夫たち、妻たち(1992)
  • Manhattan Murder Mystery/マンハッタン殺人ミステリー(1993)
  • Bullets Over Broadway/ブロードウェイと銃弾(1994)
  • Mighty Aphrodite/誘惑のアフロディーテ(1995)
  • Everyone Says I Love You/世界中がアイ・ラヴ・ユー(1996)
  • Deconstructing Harry/地球は女で回ってる(1997)
  • Celebrity/セレブリティ(1998)
  • Sweet and Lowdown/ギター弾きの恋(1999)
  • Small Time Crooks/おいしい生活 (2000)
  • The Curse of the Jade Scorpion/スコルピオンの恋まじない(2001)
  • Hollywood Ending/さよなら、さよならハリウッド(2002)
  • Anything Else/僕のニューヨークライフ(2003)
  • Melinda and Melinda/メリンダとメリンダ(2004)
  • Match Point/マッチポイント(2005)
  • Scoop/タロットカード殺人事件(2006)
  • Cassandra's Dream/ウディ・アレンの夢と犯罪(2007)
  • Vicky Cristina Barcelona/それでも恋するバルセロナ(2008)
  • Whatever Works/人生万歳!(2009)
  • You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger/恋のロンドン狂騒曲(2010)
  • Midnight in Paris/ミッドナイト・イン・パリ(2011)
  • To Rome with Love/ローマでアモーレ (2012)
  • Blue Jasmine/ブルージャスミン(2013)
  • Fading Gigolo/ジゴロ・イン・ニューヨーク (2013)
  • Magic in the Moonlight/マジック・イン・ムーンライト (2014)
  • Irrational Man/教授のおかしな妄想殺人(2015)
  • Cafe Society/カフェ・ソサエティ(2016)
  • Crisis in Six Scenes/ウディ・アレンの6つの危ない物語 (2016)
  • Wonder Wheel/女と男の観覧車(2017)
  • A Rainy Day in New York(2017)
○ 主要書籍作品
  • Don't drink the water: A comedy in two acts(1967)
  • Play It Again, Sam(1969)
  • Getting Even/これでおあいこ(1971)
  • God: A comedy in one act(1975)
  • Without Feathers/羽根むしられて(1975)
  • Side Effects/ぼくの副作用(1980)
  • Lunatic's tale(1986)
  • Complete Prose of Woody Allen(1992)
  • Three One-Act Plays/ウディ・アレンの浮気を終わらせる3つの方法(2003)
  • Writer's Block: Two One Actplays(2005)
  • "A Second Hand Memory," (a drama in two acts)(2005)
  • Mere Anarchy/ただひたすらのアナーキー(2007)

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