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Ursula K. Le Guin( 1929−  )
U.K. ル=グィン 又は ル=グウィン





1.Planet of Exile/辺境の惑星(1966)
難易度:☆☆☆  和書

 舞台となる惑星の設定は上に引用した通りです。はるか昔に辺境の惑星に植民した人類は、中央との連絡も途絶えたまま、何世代にも渡って徐々に衰退を続けています。長く厳しい冬を間近にして、北からの蛮族の進攻が知らされ、先住種族との同盟によりこれに対処しようとしますが....。 蛮族との攻防場面の緊迫感、リーダーであるアガトと先住種族の娘ロレリーとの困難な恋の行方、そして未来への希望を感じさせる結末など、ル・グィンの作品の中でも特に好きなものです。アガトとロレリーの逢引(死語か?)の場面から。

"Rolery, I leave for the north two nights from now."
"I know that."
"When I come back ―"
"But when you don't come back!" the girl cried out, under the pressure of the terror that had entered her with Autumn's end, the fear of coldness, of death. He held her against him telling her quietly that he would come back. As he spoke she felt the beating of his heart and the beating of her own. "I want to stay with you," she said, and he was saying, "I want to stay with you."
It was dark around them. When they got up they walked slowly in a grayish darkness. She came with him, towards his city. "Where can we go?" he said with a kind of bitter laugh.

2.Earthsea/ ゲド戦記4部作

 ル=グィンのファンタジーを代表する作品で、当初3部作が発表され、その後約20年後に第4作「Tehanu」が発表されました。多くの島々から成り立ち、魔術やドラゴンが存在するEarthsea世界の物語です。 グィン自ら認めているようにユングの影響を強く受けていて、いろいろな読みとり方ができるテクストとなっています。

(1)A Wizard of Earthsea /影との戦い(1968) 

For magic consists in this, the true naming of a thing. So Kurremkarmerruk had said to them, once, their first night in the Tower; he never repeated it, but Ged did not forget his words. "Many a mage of great power," he had said, "has spent his whole life to find out the name of one single thing- one single lost or hidden name.

(2)The Tombs of Atuan/こわれた腕輪 (1971)

Inside the loop of the wall several black stones eighteen or twenty feet high stuck up like huge fingers out of the earth. Once the eye saw them it kept returning to them, They stood there full of meaning, and yet there was no saying what they meant. There were nine of them. One stood straight, the others leaned more or less, two had fallen. (途中略) These nine stones were the Tombs of Atuan. They had stood there, it was said, since the time of the first men, since Earthsea was created. They had been planted in the darkness when the lands were raised up from the ocean's depths.
They were the tombs of those who ruled before the world of men came to be, the ones not named, and she who served them had no name.

(3)he Farthest Shore/さいはての島へ (1972)

"The sea captain said that on the isle of Narveduen, which is some five hundred miles west of us by the ship lanes, there was no more magic. Spells had no power there, he said, and the words of wizardry were forgotten. My father asked him if it was that all the sorcerers and witches had left that isle, and he answered, No: there were some there who had been sorcerers, but they cast no more spells, not even so much as a charm for kettle-mending or the finding of a lost needle.  ..... "


His eyes opened. She spoke quietly. He looked at her.
"Tenar," he said without smiling, in pure recognition beyond emotion. And it gave her pure pleasure, like a sweet flavor or a flower, that there was still one man living who knew her name, and that it was this man. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Lie still," she said. "Let me finish this." He obeyed, drifting back into sleep soon, this time with his hands open and relaxed.

3.The Left Hand of Darkness/闇の左手 (1969)

 ヒューゴー、ネピュラの両賞を受賞した彼女の代表作のひとつ。舞台はゲセンと呼ばれる雪と氷に閉ざされた植民地惑星"冬"。 この惑星に住む種族は両性具有で、彼らとの外交を締結する任務を帯びた宇宙連合の使節であるゲンリ―・アイとカルハイド国の首相エストラベーンとの交流と、政治権力・策謀に翻弄される彼らの運命を描いています。後半、国外追放となったエストラベーンと彼(?)により収容所から救出されたアイとの厳寒地での逃避行がハイライトとなっています。この作品を両性具有の社会のシュミレーションとして読むことも可能だと思いますが、たとえば、この惑星では、いまだ戦争というものが存在せず、ル=グィンが戦争を男性原理の産物として考えているらしいことがわかります。
Though I had been nearly two years on Winter I was still far from being able to see the people of the planet through their own eyes. I tried to, but my efforts took the form of self-consciously seeing a Gethenian first as a man, then as a woman, forcing him into those categories so irrelevent to his nature and so essential to my own. I thought that at table Estraven's performance had been womanly, all charm and tact and lack of substance, spacious and adroit. Was it in fact perhaps this soft supple femininity that I disliked and distrusted in him? For it was impossible to think of him as a woman, that dark, ironic, powerful presence near me in the firelit darkness, and yet whennever I thought of him as a man I felt a sense of falseness, of imposture : in him, or in my own attitude towards him?

4.The Lathe of Heaven/天のろくろ(1971)


"Well," Orr said, speaking with some determination, "I have had dreams that . . . that affected the . . . non-dream world. The real world." ... "What I mean is, I dreamed something, and it came true."
"That isn't hard to believe, Mr. Orr. I'm quite serious in saying that. It's only since the rise of scientific thought that anybody much has been inclined even to question such a statement, much less disbelieve it. Prophetic―"
"Not prophetic dreams. I can't forsee anything. I simply change things." The hands were clenched tight. No wonder the Med School bigwigs had sent this one here. They always sent the nuts they couldn't crack to Harber.

5.The Beginning Place/始まりの場所(1980)


It was not dark yet. His eyes had grown accustomed, and he could see clearly, though the darker colors and all shadowed places were near the verge of night. The sky between the black, distinct branches overhead was colorless and without variation of brightness to show where the sun had set. There were no stars yet. The stream, twenty or thirty feet wide and full of boulders, was like a livelier piece of the sky, flashing and glimmering around its rocks. (中略)
This is a good place, Hugh thought. And I got here. I finally got somewhere. I made it.

(関連資料)夜の言葉(1989)/ル=グィン(山田和子 他訳)
岩波書店 '92 





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